Sunday, February 21, 2016

Summer Snowflakes

Summer snowflakes (Leucojum aestivum) are blooming now across Alabama. I love the "summer" appellation, so-called because it blooms in April and May where it is native in Europe, distinguishing it from another species, spring snowflakes (L. vernum), which blooms earlier, though not as early as winter-blooming snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis, which doesn't grow in south Alabama - not enough winter here).

Leucojum aestivum - summer snowflakes
I got out my macro lens this weekend. It had been in the closet for a few years. I enjoyed taking extreme close-ups, though without a tripod many of the photos were not in focus.

I had a nice weekend. I spent all day gardening on Saturday, repotting my alpine strawberries in larger containers so I don't have to water them twice a day this summer, and potting some herbs I bought on Friday, rue and salad burnet. I planted the salad burnet in a large container, too. I'm anxious to try the leaves in salads or on sandwiches. They taste like cucumber.

Today I sat at Mass with my goddaughter and her family and went to the Montgomery Zoo with my dad, sister, and niece. This is the anniversary of my step-mother's death, so my sister and I wanted to spend the day with Dad. This afternoon I went walking in the woods near my uncle's house, finding some old daffodils blooming on a bank. I'm sure a house or a garden used to be there. The cultivars were those popular in the late 19th Century/early 20th century, which may be when they were planted.

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