Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Life Update

I keep losing things. This morning I couldn't find the keys to my truck. I looked all over my apartment and outside. Usually when I can't find them, I find them in the hamper in the pocket of the pants I wore the day before. Not there. Not under or around my bed. Not on the kitchen counters. Nowhere. After thirty minutes I gave up and used my spare keys. St. Anthony, pray for us!

I've become a coffee guy. Specifically, I've made a morning routine now, where I make coffee in a moka pot. My friend Matt introduced me to that kind of coffee when I visited him last fall. I love it; it's so strong it makes me shiver on the first sip. I got a coffee grinder for Christmas, too, and have been grinding my own beans.

I got my hair cut yesterday with Thomas. We talked about the sacrament of confession for twenty minutes. Then we started talking about all kinds of things that might scare non-Catholics: relics, incorrupt saints, ecclesiastical vestments, indulgences, etc. I looked at the woman sweeping around me to see if she would flinch or startle, but she didn't. Then again, if she works with Thomas, she's probably used to hearing startling things. He also said the only thing that disappoints him about Pope Francis is that he doesn't use the full papal regalia. He said while it might appear humble, it shows disrespect for the office, like if Obama were to wear overalls to work. I think I agree in spirit, without being as enthusiastic about silk and embroidery as he is.

I've been stretching to improve hip flexibility over the past few weeks to counter the effects of sitting too much at work and running. It's amazing how more limber I've become with daily practice. I'm almost where I can cross my legs like the Buddha statues, and I can bend over and touch my knees with my face, or cradle my legs in my arms like a baby. Maybe one day I can do splits or full squats (my ultimate goal).

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