Tuesday, March 28, 2017

'Pueblo', 'Pappy George', & others

This is the week of the white jonquil. I've never grown white jonquils before this year.

'Pueblo' was given by a kind member in Indiana when I joined the American Daffodil Society. It appears similar to 'Trevithian' or 'Sweetness' (see earlier posts), except it is white and the flower stalks are shorter. It has a nice fragrance.

Narcissus 'Pueblo' 7 W-W
There was another white jonquil given to me by the American Daffodil Society. 'Nancegollan' is the name. Only one bloom has opened so far, but it withered in a day, so I didn't photograph it. It looked similar to 'Pueblo', but was a little smaller and narrower.

Next up is the white jonquil 'Sailboat'. It also looks similar to 'Pueblo', but is it smaller, shorter, more reflexed, and more spidery.

'Sailboat' 7 W-W

'Sailboat' up close
Another yellow/orange jonquil opened, too. 'Pappy George' is the name. It is similar to 'Kedron' but with more saturated colors and with more yellow petals. There was some mottling in the colors in the only one opened so far.

'Pappy George' 7 Y-O
An all-yellow jonquil opened, 'Quail'. I really like this one. Though smaller than some, it has multiple flowers per stem on all stems, and nice ruffling. It has also won the prestigious Wister Award, which means it does exceptionally well in gardens.

'Quail' 7 Y-Y
Next up is another daffodil, not a jonquil, but a Triandrus daffodil (the only one I have in my garden, though 'Silver Chimes' has some Triandrus ancestry). It is 'Thalia', also known as the orchid daffodil. This name is apparent from the blooms. They have a nice fragrance, and come back reliably every year. 'Thalia''s white is a more pure, crystalline white than the white jonquils, which have hints of yellow.

'Thalia' 5 W-W
I got a package yesterday from my friend and fellow gardener, Br. Placidus (see his blog here). He was kind to send more canna tubers and seeds from his garden. I'm looking forward especially to trying the Hyacinth bean. I've never tried it before.

Canna tubers

Cool seed packets
Speaking of seeds, I've collected my first daffodil seeds of the season. These are from the Narcissus jonquilla I posted photos of several weeks back.
N. jonquilla seeds.


  1. Does growing narcissus from seed take special skill? That'd be cool to try!

    1. No, no special skill. Only patience! If sown in the spring, they won't germinate until months later (fall, I think). After germinating, they look like tiny grass threads for 3-5 years before flowering.
