Monday, April 25, 2016

Angelic Warfare Confraternity

I'm planning to join the Angelic Warfare Confraternity with a friend next month. We'll go to the Dominicans in Atlanta to be enrolled. I got my package in the mail today.

The Confraternity was officially constituted in 1727 by Pope Benedict XII, though its origins likely date back to the fifteenth or sixteenth century, and the custom of wearing the knotted cord in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas goes back even further. Here is part of the letter I got with my package:

"In the fierce struggle for chastity, the Angelic Warfare Confraternity is ready to equip you with many graces and helps. It is our eager desire to receive you and enroll you into our sacred brotherhood."

The package comes with the cord and medal, as well as various publications on chastity and the Confraternity.


  1. Is that the Hawthorn Dominicans in Atlanta? My priest friend is chaplain there!

    1. I'm not sure. My friend was going to set it all up. You'll have to send me his name!
