Saturday, February 27, 2016


I like running because it clears my head. By this, I don't mean it gives me time to think. As a rather neurotic introvert, thinking is about the only thing I ever do. Sometimes I beg, "Please God make it stop. I'll do anything." I've never been too busy to think. The busier I am the more I think. 

I need something occasionally that shuts down my thinking. Since I don't drink much, or use drugs, or watch TV, it has to be something else, something that requires everything I have to give. Running does this for me. If I can think while I'm running, I'm not running hard enough. I need to be gasping for air, with sweat pouring off me, muscles on fire, eyes in tunnel vision. I need an outlet for aggression and competitiveness. I need to be focused on one thing only, the task at hand. Usually to get to this point, I need to sprint, preferably uphill. 

Afterward, I feel awesome. I am warm inside. My mind is quiet and focused. I get great sleep. I am at ease around people. This is what I mean when I say running clears my head. 

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