Friday, April 28, 2017

Flowers in spikes

The snapdragons I planted last fall are beginning to bloom.

And there's also lyreleaf sage blooming all around the roadsides. (I took this photo a few weeks ago; they're done blooming now.)
Salvia lyrata (lyreleaf sage)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so very jealous you can start your snapdragons in the Fall. Mine are only 6" right now!

    We're in the post-daffodil phase of blooming right now with bearded irises and my Fall-sown Bachelor's buttons opening up. My Fall-sown larkspur is budding, too. I was supposed to plant out a lot of stuff I had started under lights today, but its so wet out I won't be able to until the middle of this week, probably!
