I'll probably be taking a lot of plant photos now through the beginning of summer. Here's some I took yesterday after the sun went down.
Narcissus 'Silver Chimes'
This has become of my favorite narcissi, perfect for a spring twilit garden. The flowers are wonderfully fragrant, the foliage deep green, velvety, strap-like. It is well adapted to the South, increasing year after year. If and when I have a garden of my own, I plan on planting large swaths of these. |
Dogwood beginning to flower. |
Narcissus 'Trevithian' still looking and smelling magnificent. |
Narcissus 'Hillstar'
This is one of the first daffodils I planted at my mom's. It comes back reliably every year, but hasn't increased at all. Like 'Trevithian' it is a jonquilla hybrid and fragrant, but not as vigorous as the former. Still, I love the reverse coloration. The flowers grow whiter as they age. |
Narcissus bulbocodium var. conspicuus
The hoop-petticoat daffodil. This tiny narcissus sends up a tuft of grasslike foliage every year, but does not flower very heavily. I suspect it would do better with more sun. |
Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl' still going strong. |
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